1. Hi Aimee! I chair the Promotions Committee for the Coupeville Historic Waterfront Association. (My husband, Sean, is the president of the committee.) The organization is planning a Practically Magic Weekend the last weekend in October. It includes showings of the movie, a bike ride, and so much more! (See the link I’ve included.) Obviously, you’re a huge fan of Coupeville AND the movie. I have 2 extra tickets to the showing on Saturday night that I would love to give to you. I’m hoping you can help us spread the word on this epic weekend! I live right in downtown Coupeville behind the big green hedge which is right behind Bayleaf. Let me know if you’re able to make it up that weekend and I’ll figure out how to get you the tickets!

  2. Madeline Ramirez says:

    I loved this movie I wonder if they will be filming in Coupeville for upcoming one?

  3. Madeline Ramirez says:

    I loved this movie I wonder if they will be filming in Coupeville for upcoming second film?

  4. Ivana says:

    I love this film! Thank you for this website.

    Any news about the second one?

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